Note: Remember to use the tab key at the beginning of all paragraphs. You can start your essay by clicking the tab button to give you an appropriate indentation (½”) before you start writing. The line adjustment buttons are located on the right-center of the home tab toolbar.ħ. The title of your essay will be put on the next line using center alignment. Note: Make sure that the above information is using left alignment.Ħ. The information is listed below with the order of information as well: The essay information will be located at the top left of your first page. To do this click on the home tab, go to the lines spacing button on the toolbar, and choose 2.0.ĥ. Note: Change header font to Times New Roman and 12 point.Ĥ.
Now type in your last name and put a space after to give room for the page number. Under Header & Footer, you choose page number, top of page (header) and right alignment. Click on document elements tab and find Header & Footer.
Next we need to insert a page number header. Note: Do not change gutter or gutter position.ģ. To access margins click on the page layout tab in Microsoft word and then page margins and set them to MLA standard Note: If you already wrote the text you can use control (or command on MACs) + A to highlight all text then edit to adjust all text.Ģ. Text needs to be set to Times New Roman and 12-point font for MLA formatting.